
來源:才華庫 2.51W


姓  名: 覃xx先生
國  籍: 中國
目前住地: 廣州 民  族: 漢族
戶 籍 地: 廣西 身高體重: 173 cm?63 kg
婚姻狀況: 未婚 年  齡: 29 歲
人才型別: 普通求職?
應聘職位: 生物化工/製藥工程:質量管理及生產管理 、 輕工類: 、 生物工程類:
工作年限: 5 職  稱: 初級
求職型別: 均可 可到職日期: 一個月
月薪要求: 面議 希望工作地區: 廣州 廣東省 浙江
工作經歷: 2001.7-2002.11       廣州南沙經濟開發區南沙科學展覽館     設計師


2003.1-2005年2月     瑞福祥(廣西)藥業有限公司           主管

2005年3月至今        南方李錦記有限公司                   質控工程師
畢業院校: 天津科技大學(原名:天津輕工業學院) 
最高學歷: 本科 畢業日期: 2001-06-01
所學專業: 生物化學工程 第二專業: 生物發酵 
培訓經歷: 2001年9月        天津輕工業學院       生物化工     畢業證、學位證
2002.9月                                           初級專業技術證書
2006年.4月                                         執業藥師資格證書 
外  語: 英語 良好    
國語水平: 精通 粵語水平: 精通
  2001.7-2002.11       廣州南沙經濟開發區南沙科學展覽館
從事展品設計工作,通過人與物互動方式來表達生物和化學科 普知識。本人所設計的展品包括有無土栽培、一針見血、鹽類的溶解、肥皂畫、水中花園等。通過遊戲把科普知識溶入到當中,讓觀眾更易於接受。

2003.1-2005年2月     瑞福祥(廣西)藥業有限公司

2005年3月至今        南方李錦記有限公司
English Resume: Name: QINKINE Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 1978/08/05 Residency: GUANGXI
Work Experience: >5years
Current Salary: 40,000RMB/Year
Home Tel:
Self Assessment
A good work experience of chemical lab and quality management in pharmacy and food industry.  Good QMS auditing experience, preferably ISO9001, GMP and TGA; farmiliar with BRC control system.I work actively, positive, zealing, and diligent in studying. Have good cooperation spirit of group and good communication skill.  Although I know I’m not the best, I would work hardly to become better.

Work Experience

2005/03—present:  NAN FANG LEE KUM KEE
Industry: Pharmaceutical produce and quality: QA
NAN FANG LEE KUM KEE , a HongKong overseas-funded enterprise. I respone to take charge the tablet line quality contorl and tablet process technics validation. Dayly work,quickly respone when quality mattrs occur. During last year, I opitmize the tablet proccse flow, raising the product efficiency over 30%, and production quailty more stably.

Industry: Pharmaceutical produce and quality: QC and QA
RUI FU XIANG PHARMACEUTICAL CO.(GUANGXI) LTD,an American overseas-funded enterprise. I took on QC position in lab, 2003. I responsibled for testing and analysis sample, mainly items, including: the microbiological assay, the thin layer chromatogram(TLC) and liquid chromatography(LC)analysis. In 2004, adjusting my position, I took on QA work. My duty is to ensure the produce process to keep upon to GMP regulations. I ckecked the system documents , cancel or amend that err files. In this year, jion in technic team and optimize the wine, tablet ,troche and pill processing flow. During technics validation, I take independently charge the tablet line optomization work.

2001/07--  2002/11:NANSHA SCIENCE MUSEUM
Industry: Education/Training design : designer
NANSHA SCIENCE MUSEUM. My job is mainly responsble to design a exhibit, which can express some simple biology or physics knowledge, and teach visitors to play those exhibits. That means the exhibit is a toy, visiters play the toy like play a funny game. It  make players intersting to improve themselves’ knowledge .

1997.09-2001.06 Tianjin Science&Technique University Biomedical engineer Bachelor
major biochemistry, microbiolody, microorganism measuring, biochemical industry engineering, lab analysis and food processing technology. Study control fermenting and opimze process parameters by analysingl chemcal contents. 
