
來源:才華庫 2.68W

小編摘要:元宵節用英語怎麼說?"元宵節"的英文表達為Lantern Festival。元宵節,又稱為“上元節”,為中國傳統節日,時間是每年的農曆正月十五,元宵節的傳統活動包括吃元宵、賞花燈、猜燈謎、舞獅子。

元宵節這天,按中國民間的傳統,在這天上皓月高懸的夜晚,人們要點起彩燈萬盞,以示慶賀。出門賞月、燃燈放焰、喜猜燈謎、共吃元宵,閤家團聚、同慶佳節,其樂融融。 那麼,元宵節用英語怎麼說?與元宵節相關的英語又怎麼說?



China has seen a boom in the sale of handmade yuanxiao, glutinous rice dumplings traditionally eaten at Lantern Festival, in the run-up to the celebration, which falls on Monday this year.

The sweet and glutinous treat is called yuanxiao in the north. In the south people have tangyuan, which are slightly different in size, stuffing and making process.

The treat is an important part of the Lantern Festival celebration, which also includes making lanterns, solving riddles posted on lanterns and performing lion dances.


【講解】文中的Lantern Festival 即指元宵節,lantern是指燈籠,也可以說成Yuanxiao Festival。元宵節的傳統活動除了吃元宵(yuaoxiao)之外,還包括賞花燈(watching lanterns)、猜燈謎(solving riddles posted on lanterns或guessing lantern riddles)、舞獅子(performing lion dances)等。

元宵節快樂的英語吧表達是:Happy The Lantern Festival ! 或者Happy Lantern Festival ! 、 Happy lantern's day 這幾種都可以。作文
