國中英語作文:開學第一天 My First Day to Shool

來源:才華庫 2.06W

無論是在學校還是在社會中,大家或多或少都會接觸過作文吧,作文根據體裁的不同可以分為記敘文、說明文、應用文、議論文。那麼一般作文是怎麼寫的呢?下面是小編收集整理的.國中英語作文開學第一天 My First Day to Shool,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。

國中英語作文:開學第一天 My First Day to Shool

My First Day to ShoolToday was the first day of my new life.l looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year.I was excited as well as worried.I was excited because l was a student of junior middle school now.I was worried because I didn't quite know about the teachers,students in this school.I was afraid that I couldn't fit in I got to school,I found everyone was really sweet to me. Teachers were kind and ready to help us.l soon forgot my nervousness.I felt at the end of today's school life,I felt no more fear,and I believed I would have lots of fun at this new school.

譯文:開學第一天今天是我新生活的第一天。我看了看我的新書,檢查了新學年的一切,我既興奮又擔心。我很興奮,因為我現在是一名國中生了 。我很擔心,因為我不太瞭解這所學校的老師和同學,我擔心我不能很好地適應。當我到學校的時候.我發現每個人都對我很好 。老師們都很熱心地幫助我們。我很快就忘記了緊張,感覺就像在家一樣。今天學校生活結束的時候,我不在害怕了,我相信我在這所新學校會有很多樂趣。
