
來源:才華庫 1.76W





女:Honorable guests,ladies and gentlemen, goodevening! Welcome to “Show your life” English talent competition. Here is the final contest!



女:Let’s welcome all the guests and judges with a big round of applause!


女:On the passionateandyouthful stage, we show our life heartily! 男:今晚,讓我們燃燒激情,品味英語的魅力與文化

女:Tonight,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true!

男:下面我宣佈“Show your life”英語風采大賽現在正式開始!

女:Let’s look forward to all the teams ’wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!


女:There are classical stories both from the eastern and western world, full of dreams and realities of both past and present




男:經典的愛情總是為人們帶來一次次刻骨銘心的感動,亙古不變,首先有請來自臨床七年制的Tinker Bell為大家帶來《孔雀東南飛》女:Now let us welcome the first team—Tinker Bell, and enjoy< The Peacock Flies to Southeast>

男:感謝Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有請---老師對隊伍進行提問 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:謝謝評委老師的提問和選手的回答,請評委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Tinker Bell

男:下面有請來自公共衛生學院的同學們為我們演繹《麥琪的禮物》 女:Now please enjoy

男:感謝Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有請---老師對隊伍進行提問 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:謝謝評委老師的提問和選手的回答,請評委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to their performance.

男:巧妙的回答,深厚的友誼,接下來來自影像口腔專業的Light in the road將用他們精彩的表演為我們重現《威尼斯商人》那場經典的法庭對峙,有請他們

女:Now please enjoy

男:感謝Light in the road的精彩表演,有請---老師對隊伍進行提問 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:謝謝評委老師的提問和選手的回答,請評委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Light in the road

男:接下來來自11基礎的Girls aloud將會為我們展現一個普通女孩成為公主的歷程,有請《公主日記

女:Now please enjoy

男:感謝Girls aloud 的精彩表演,有請---老師對隊伍進行提問 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:謝謝評委老師的提問和選手的回答,請評委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Girls aloud

男:接下來有請來自第三臨床醫學院的lottery girls為我們演繹經典的《傲慢與偏見》

女:Now please enjoy

男:謝謝lottery girls的表演,有請---老師對隊伍進行提問 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:謝謝評委老師的提問和選手的`回答,請評委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to lottery girls


女:Now please enjoy< Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs> 男:謝謝crazy17的表演,有請---老師對隊伍進行提問

女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:謝謝評委老師的提問和選手的回答,請評委打分

女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to crazy17




女;Now let’s begin the second part of our this part, each team will elect one contestant to stand for their team and give us an re the speech, every competitor will choose a picture to watch make a speech about thepicture y contestant has 10 seconds to prepare and deliver his or her speech. Each speech lasts 3 minutes.



女:Now, please welcome contestant No1,who is from Tinker Bell 女:Choose a picture,please/Which picture do you like/Make your choice/A picture please

Ok Now 10 seconds to prepare and give your speech/10s to think and show,please/Now time to prepare and deliver your speech/do your preparation and show your idea

女: Thank you. It now turns to contestant No2, who is from----- which picture would you choose?

女:go off the stage and wait for your marks.


女:Ok, thanks for all the competitors.

男:惟妙的英文演繹,讓我們置身經典的海洋;精彩的英文演講,讓我們稱歎選手們的奇思與妙答。接下來請放鬆您的耳朵,一起來欣賞由校藝術團的康欣悅 史麗瓊為我們帶來的start of something new- 女:Please enjoyby康欣悅 史麗瓊from Art troupe. welcome.



女:Please welcome-----to comment our competition
