
來源:才華庫 2.16W



Larry在準備搬家,李華特別去Larry家幫他收拾裝箱。今天李華會學到兩個常用語: to toss something和digs.

LL: Hey, Li Hua, what do you think of this sweater? It''s got several holes. Should I toss it?

LH: 你要把這件毛衣扔給我裝箱?你自己說有好幾個洞了,還留它幹嘛?扔了算啦!

LL: That''s what I meant. I didn''t mean to toss the sweater to you. I mean to throw it out. To toss something means to throw something out.

LH: 噢,原來to toss it就是把東西扔了的意思。這件毛衣真的該丟了。其實還有一些衣服你也該丟掉了。

LL: Hey, I didn''t ask your opinion of my wardrobe. I just wanted to know if I should toss that one particular sweater.

LH: 哎!我也只是幫你忙啊。如果你不要我幫忙,那就算嘍!我才不管你衣櫃裡哪些衣服該丟,哪些不該丟呢!

LL: Okay, since you''re so eager to help: Should I toss this pair of shoes, too? They''re really old and gross.

LH: 這還要問啊?你這雙鞋又舊又髒的,當然該丟掉嘍!還有你那件黃的'T恤衫也可以扔了。

LL: No, I''m going to use that as a rag for cleaning my new apartment. I hate to toss something that I can still find a use for.

LH: 你想拿那件破衣服來當抹布,廢物利用,這倒是不錯。Hey,Larry, 冰箱裡的這些蘋果都爛了,可以扔掉了嗎?

LL: Yes, I''m afraid that there is quite a bit in the refrigerator that needs to be tossed. I buy things and then I''m never home to eat them.

LH: 我也是,經常買了東西不吃,最後又扔掉。也許下回該買些冷凍食品,不然,讓食物爛了又扔掉,好浪費喲!

LL: You''re right. It''s really terrible to toss out food.

LH: 好吧!我先幫你清一清冰箱裡的東西,我可以把爛掉的食品全都扔掉嗎?Can I toss them out?

LL: You can toss out whatever you think needs to be tossed.


LL: Well, how do you like my new digs?

LH: Digs? Dig 不是“挖”的意思。你在說什麼啊?這是你的新公寓耶!

LL: My new "digs" is my new apartment, Li Hua. "Digs" is slang for one''s place of residence.

LH: 嗨,dig不是挖土,挖洞的挖嗎!你用的是名詞,還是多數。Digs,所以,這就是指一個人住的地方。

LL:That''s right. My new digs is a bit empty now, but once I move my stuff in, this should be a nice apartment.


LL: Hey, I''m not that messy! I like to keep my digs nice.

LH: 對,你不算太亂,但是也不見得是那種非常整潔乾淨的人。

LL: Okay, you''re entitled to your opinion, but I am also entitled to disagree with you. I happen to be very proud of the way I maintain my digs.

LH: 我當然可以保留我的意見咯! 你也完全可以不同意我的看法。其實,你的家只要你自己滿意就行了。說正經的,Larry你要不要我幫你佈置新家,your new digs?

LL: Let''s just take care of moving first. Once all of my stuff is here, we can talk about decorating.

LH: 那也是,還是先搬完了再說,再不趕快搬,今晚你恐怕得在舊公寓裡睡覺嘍!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是to toss something, 就是把東西扔掉的意思。另一個常用語是digs。這是指一個人的居住的地方。
