
來源:才華庫 2.53W



have ones hands full; be swamped with 表示“很忙”

pin sb. down 逼迫某人說出

senitation department 衛生部門

at no charge 免費

big,light 表示飯的“豐盛;多”(big)“清淡;少”(light)

pickout truck 貨車

put aside 儲存


make time 擠出時間

Not if結構

You ve got me.你把我難住了。

study group學習小組

ages ago很久以前

take 接受某人的挑戰或邀請(2000年10月17題,原聽力原文有誤)

count on 指望

brag 炫耀

stick around 逗留,等

make all the difference 重要

halfway through (本不是短語,可作為短語來記)完成一半了

demanding 要求嚴格的

doze off 打盹

get over with 做完了事

let sth. slip to sb. 讓某人知道,洩漏給某人

snap to sb. 衝某人發火,大聲說

self 自己

his old self 他自己

go to ones head 自負自傲

I hate to do sth./doing sth.我不願意

leave a lot to be desired 不滿意

a trial run 試驗

blurt out 不假思索說出

catch sb. off guard 乘某人不備

of sb.發揮某人的潛能,調動起來

sentimental value 情感價值

sit around 無所事事

be carried away 非常激動,忘乎所以

Just in case以防萬一

stick;stuck 卡住,塞車

contagious 有感染力的

for a rainy day 未雨綢繆

make oneself scarce 很少露面(show up)

head ones way/head on/head over to/headed;heading

help out (with)解決

come across 給人深刻印象

pain reliever 止疼片

give up on sb.對某人絕望了

tough小詞:Tough luck! /have a tough time/a tough choice

a bunch of 一群

keep to oneself內向,不善交際;保守祕密(keep ones squabbles to oneself)

white lab coat 白大衣

hold over 拖延;延期

hold over to 支撐到

take ones mind off 從...中擺脫出來;不再想

I have a better chance of 我最好;有機會

sweat over 努力

Pretty much.差不多了(=almost)

on good terms 關係好;保持聯絡

backpack 揹包

put a stop to sth.停止,不再作某事

on the verge of 將要;有可能

money order(=postal order) 郵政匯票


教授允許晚交作業(extension;an extra week),考試依然很難,並且可能出超範圍的題目

Talk about sth. 表示“遺憾或者責備”

Why bother?表示“沒必要吧”

How come...?你怎麼?為什麼?

How can I...?表示一種反問語氣

To tell you the truth.

To be (complete) honest.

Tell me about it.沒錯(You got that right!)

Say,..../Now... 僅僅表示一種語氣,發語詞


Good thing.../Its a good thing that...

Tell you what.

You know what?

Thats what you get的連讀

Not if I.../Mind if I...的連讀


as long as/as well as的連讀

How about if I...?



