Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose的教案分析及教學反思

來源:才華庫 2.98W

一、教材分析:本節課的教學內容選自新標準《國小英語》三年級起點第一冊Module10 Unit2。本節課要求學生在掌握Unit1 This is his head的基礎上,繼續學習身體部位的詞語nose, ears, eyes, mouth,以及his和her的用法。

Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose的教案分析及教學反思





並運用句型:Point to?


3、學會唱英語歌:Head and shoulders






通過本課學習使學生有興趣聽、說英語、讀歌謠、做遊戲、敢於開口,樂於模仿,在鼓勵性評價中樹立信心.在教學中滲透學生學習習慣的養成教育。 重點:能夠熟練掌握單詞eye,ear,nose,mouth;

難點分析:mouth 一詞的尾音發音較難,教師可適當提醒學生,注意口型。




① 情景教學法

② 多媒體教學法

③ 全身動作反應法

④ 遊戲輔助法



Step One: 熱身活動 Greetings

Say ‘hello’ to each other.

Step Two: 匯入Representation

1) T: Now, let’s say a chant.

Ss: (Say the chant together.)

Head head Point to your head. Arm arm Point to your arm.

Leg leg Point to your leg. Foot foot Point to your foot.


2) Ask a boy to the front, teacher points, then let the other students say ( point to his head,…)

Step Three: 呈現新課

A. New words

T: Point to your nose. (Write ‘nose’ on the blackboard.) group by group.) T: (Show some pictures of animals’ noses.) Which animal’

Ss: (Point and read after the teacher, practice one by one . s nose is it?

S1: It’s the pig’s nose.

S2: It’s the dog’s nose.

S3: It’s the panda’s nose.

T: (Point to my nose.) Whose nose is it?

Ss: It’s the teacher’s nose.

T: I can smell with my nose. I can see with my …

Ss: Eyes.

T: (Write ‘eye’ on the blackboard.)

Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice one by one, group by group.)

T: How many eyes have you got?

Ss: Two eyes.

T: Close your eyes. Open your eyes.

Ss: (Listen and do.)

Use the same way to learn the following words:

mouth (eat) ear (hear)


B. New pattern drills

T: (Show a doll.) Look! What’s this?

Ss: It’s a doll.

T: This is my doll. It’s got two big eyes, a small nose, a red mouth and two small ears. It’s very beautiful. I like her very much. Do you like her?

Ss: Yes!

T: Now, listen and point, please. Point to her nose/ eyes/ mouth/ears/ head/ arms/legs/hands/feet.

Ss: (point and say.)


T: (Write ‘Point to her’ on the blackboard.)

Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice row by row.)

T: Can you make a chant?

Ss: Nose, nose, point to her nose.

Eyes, eyes, point to her eyes.

mouth, mouth, point to her mouth.

Ears, ears, point to her ears.


C. Learn the contents of the text

a. Listen and point .

T: (Play the tape-recorder.)

Ss: (Listen and point to the sentences.)

b. Listen and say.

T: (Play the tape-recorder again.)

Ss: (Listen and repeat.)

c. Point and say.

Students take out their dolls and talk about the parts of the dolls’ bodies.

S1: Point to her/ his …

S2: (Point and say.)

D. Learn to sing.

a. Listen and sing.

T: (Put the word cards on the blackboard: head, shoulders, knees, toes. Teach the students these words.)

Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice line by line.)

b. Sing and do the actions.

T: (Play the tape-recorder.)

Ss: (Sing and do the actions.)

Step Four: Knowledge extension.

A. Let’s draw.

Draw four faces on the blackboard. Let some students draw eyes, mouths, ears and noses on the faces. In order to make this game more interesting, teacher can let the students close their eyes.(通過學生的音量讓貼的同學確定五官的'位置。) (在遊戲活動中鞏固所學,符合課標提倡的“玩中學”觀點。)

B. Let’s talk.

Divide the students into several groups. Every student takes out some stationeries, and then put them together. Let them find the owners.

S1, S2, S3, S4: This is my… This is his … This is her…

(此這項活動形式不僅能讓學生得以最大的空間和時間進行語言操練,而且最能讓學生在相互的交流中互相幫助,互相檢驗所說的語言。學生有了充分的相互交流的時間,有時間相互商討、演練,以便在說給全班同學聽時能夠更加默契。有了成功表現自己的機會,也對他們的學習起了極大的鼓舞和促進作用。) Step Five: Sum up.

T: Today we learnt four new words…

Ss: Nose, eye, mouth, ear.

T: And a sentence pattern…

Ss: Point to her…

Step Six: Homework.

Do the exercises on page 42. 1. Look and say.

Handwriting on the blackboard:

Module10 Unit 2


Point to her mouth.






用形象生動的教學課件來創設情境,引發學生學習動機,設難置疑,引起思辨,使新的知識點變得直觀形象、生動化,有助於吸引學生的注意力,激發他們的興趣,使學生始終處於新鮮、求知慾旺盛的學習氛圍,有利於學生對新知識的掌握。 通過多媒體投影,呈現過程,形成表象,以更直觀的方式,讓學生鞏固新學的單詞。

通過直觀的布娃娃的方式,調動學生學習積極性,調節課堂氣氛。激發學生興趣,讓每個學生都動起來,自然地掌握her 及句型的用法。








今天我所講的是新標準《國小英語》三年級起點第一冊Module10 Unit2。這節課的教學目標1、是使學生掌握身體部位的單詞:eyes、ears、nose、mouth並運用句型:Point to?2、學習認讀分辨單詞:his和her3、學會唱英語歌:Head and shoulders從總體上看在本節課的教學中,我始終能夠圍繞教學目標
